• Xinjieshun Curtain

    Xinjieshun Curtain

  • Xinjieshun Curtain

    Xinjieshun Curtain

Aluminum pull net


Aluminum pull net


Aluminum pull net


A variety of colors, can meet the various color

requirements of modern buildings...



Numerous shapes, strong decorative effect, light weight, high strength, quick and convenient installation and

construction, effectively prevent UV penetration, greatly

increase aging performance...






It can be used as a good conductor of electricity, and

the lightning current is quickly transmitted to the

underground through the building grounding system...



It has strong low pollution, it is difficult to adhere to the

surface, it can keep clean for a long time, easy to

maintain and clean...


The main component of fluorocarbon polymer coating

is KYNAH500 fluorocarbon resin. This fluorocarbon resin

has durable bonding force and the most stable molecular

structure, which determines that fluorocarbon spray

treated products can resist wind, rain, and long-term.

Erosion of industrial waste gas, acid rain, etc., has a

service life of more than 20 years.



       Hubei Xinjieshun Curtain Wall Material Co., Ltd. was established in 2011, covering an area of 270 acres and a total investment of 300 million yuan. Annual production capacity: curtain wall panels up to 800,000 square meters, aluminum honeycomb panels of about 180,000 square meters, and aluminum ceilings of 200,000 square meters. Since its inception, Hubei Xinjieshun Curtain Wall Materials Co...


Major production of non-ferrous metals

Data show that this year, LME copper prices fell 26% to 4,500 US dollars / ton, LME aluminum prices fell 19.71% to 1,500 US dollars / ton, LME zinc prices and LME nickel prices fell 30% and 40% respec


Major production of non-ferrous metals

Data show that this year, LME copper prices fell 26% to 4,500 US dollars / ton, LME aluminum prices fell 19.71% to 1,500 US dollars / ton, LME zinc prices and LME nickel prices fell 30% and 40% respec


Major production of non-ferrous metals

Data show that this year, LME copper prices fell 26% to 4,500 US dollars / ton, LME aluminum prices fell 19.71% to 1,500 US dollars / ton, LME zinc prices and LME nickel prices fell 30% and 40% respec


Address:No. 2, Chujiang Avenue, Haoxue Town, Jiangling County, Jingzhou City, Hubei Province
Hotline:13308385616    Tel:15872095086  Company sales hotline:0716-4016068
Copyright by Hubei Xinjieshun Curtain Wall Materials Co., Ltd.   

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